
Random bits and bobs about stargazing … My blog tends to feature pieces about observing, technical things, equipment reviews, observing reports, etc. The articles page features specific pieces written for third parties (mainly DorsetEye, my village newsletter, and, more recently, The West Dorset Magazine). These tend to be more general and less technical.

The site also features some of my photos and sketches, as well as an ‘Observing sites’ page which shows the locations of publicly accessible observing sites in Dorset. Many have great and easy access, including car parks, others are a little more rugged, and for lightly equipped stargazers only.

The aim in all this, as with my books, is to spread the word about stargazing, encourage an appreciation for the night sky, and raise awareness of the detrimental effects of light pollution 🤞

You can also find me on Mastodon and Bluesky, and (for now) on Twitter at @Cerneastro.

My books are available from Amazon, top astronomy retailer First Light Optics, and from all good bookshops.